1. What is the Best Trailer Tire, or Best Brand of Trailer Tire?
As a Trailer Parts Retailer, both to the local customer market here in Florida, and also to customers nation-wide through the internet, we have dealt with and sold a variety of Trailer Tire brands over the years. Not only are we a a Trailer Tire Retailer, we are also the end user, with personal experience trailering boats, 4-wheelers, campers, and a slew of other trailer types. So, considering the crucial advantages us; and the end consumer, would desire to get out of their trailer tire purpose, we have determined Loadstar Trailer Tires to be the best brand of trailer tire on the market. Why?
-As a customer, purchasing trailer tires, we want trailer tires that don't cost an arm and a leg for a mysterious brand of tire, made by a company nobody knows. We want to spend our money on a product that the Company Stands Behind, supports, and protects. We here at Out Of The Box Parts created Loadstartrailertires.com so that we can do just that. We offer the lowest prices on our entire line of Kenda Loadstar Trailer tires. These Trailer Tires are in fact Kenda Loadstar Trailer Tires, supported and backed by their Worry-Free Limited Warranty https://www.loadstartrailertires.com/assets/images/Warranty/warranty.pdf ! Yes, a Trailer Tire Company that supplies a Warranty for their Trailer Tires, even with the Phone Number Printed on the side wall of Each Tire, (1-800-225-4714)! Not Only are you Purchasing a Brand from a Company that has distribution centers all over the Nation, but you are buying directly from Loadstartrailertires.com, brought to you by BoatTrailerParts.com, and we have been in the Trailer Parts business for 25 years, and we are here for You, the customer!!
-As a customer, purchasing trailer tires, we want to know that we are purchasing quality trailer tires, that these tires aren't just going to wear down and blow out. For starters, Loadstars Trailer Tires provide 25% more tread, translating to more tire life. Kenda Loadstar Trailer Tires, unlike other Brands, utilize only the highest quality materials in the production of their trailer tires. Higher Quality rubber and High Quality Steel Belts! In addition, Quality control and Safety Testing is a top priority of Loadstar. For more technical information check out https://www.loadstartrailertires.com/assets/images/weartest/tireweartest.pdf
-Are all trailer tires the Same? It's just a trailer tire right? No, the answer is absolutely not. We all drive vehicles right? Trucks, cars, vans. When you want tires on your vehicle do you say, oh yea just whatever fits, they are all the same. Or, don't you consider the Brand Name, the Warranty, the Quality and Durability of the Tire? You do this to protect your family, yourself, to prevent a road-side tire changing on your daily trek, and a potential life threatening tire blow-out. Trailer Tires are the same way, not all brands are created equal. Lesser Brands user low quality rubber, and fillers during production to cut corners. Kenda Loadstar uses less fillers and MORE Higher Quality materials to increase quality, not cut costs. Keep the safety of your family, yourself, others on the road, and your load in mind. To many times we all have seen road-side flat tires and accidents happening because of a failed trailer tire.
-Lastly, now that we have purchased a low price, high quality trailer tire from a company that supports and protects its products and customers, it is our responsibility to maintain and use the product correctly! As a customer, this is our Responsibility! Why not? This will make your trailer tire investment last much longer!
-Regularly Check the Tire Pressure to make sure it is also at maximum capacity to ensure you get the Carrying Capacity the tire is rated for.
-Regularly Check for Side Wall Damage or Nails caused by debris and curbs from trailering.
-Check for irregular tread wear, as this is notoriously indicative of a deeper issue with other trailer components.
-Cover your Trailer tires if the trailer sits in the sun or in harsh weather conditions, protect your investment
Finally, Enjoy your purchase and let us know if you have any questions or comments!
2. Should I use Bias Ply or Radial Trailer Tires?
Radial trailer tires are no doubt a better tire in terms of technology and construction, but they may not be the best fit for you depending on how often you use your trailer. As a general rule, if you are replacing your trailer tires because you have run them bald (run out of tread) you should be using a radial trailer tire because of the increased mileage that a radial tire offers. Even though the radial trailer tires tend to be more expensive, in the long run you will save money because you will replace your tires less frequently. If you are replacing your tires due to dry rotting (weather cracks) but you still have plenty of tread depth left, you may want to consider a bias ply tire. If your tires are dry rotting before you run out of tread is it because you are not putting enough miles on the trailer to wear it out.
In general, most boat trailers use a bias ply tire. The reason for this is that most boat trailers are only used to transport the boat about 5 miles to the nearest boat ramp once or twice a week. Over the course of the year some boat trailers will have less than 500 miles put on them. But if you frequently haul your boat long distances on the highway it is likely that a radial tire would be a better choice.
Get the full details on bias vs radial by checking out our tire summary chart here.
3. How do I know if I have a Radial Or Bias tire currently?
Radial trailer tires will always have the letter "R" in the tire designation. For example, a 175/80R13 is a 13" radial trailer tire. But a 175/80D13 is a bias ply trailer tire. Although all radial tires will have the letter "R" in the designation, not all bias ply tires include the letter "D".
4. Should I balance my trailer tires?
None of our tire and wheel assemblies come balanced from the factory.
Although some customers do insist upon balancing their trailer tires most (98%) do not. Trailer tires have a tendency to "throw weights". Meaning the weights come off the wheels. This can happen for a number of reasons, but it is not uncommon for the weights to be thrown off when towing a trailer empty (the trailer bounces excessively because of the no load conditions) or when making very tight turns on tandem or tri axle trailers.
Furthermore, galvanized trailer wheels are not designed to be balanced. When the steel wheel is dipped into the vat of molten galvanized and then pulled out, some of the liquid zinc always accumulates on one end. Which makes galvanized wheels incredibly difficult to balance. But the galvanized coating does provide one of the best corrosion resistance to harsh environments such as salt water.
Most automotive centers are not equipped with the proper wheel balancing machine to correctly balance most trailer wheels. All of our trailer wheels are a lug centric design. Meaning, that the wheels are centered on the hub by the torque of the lug nuts. Most/many automotive wheels are a hub centric design. Many automotive centers use a computerized "cone" balancer which works great on hub centric wheels, but not on lug centric trailer wheels. In order to balance trailer wheels, an adapter must be used on the cone balancer to correctly balance trailer rims. Check with your automotive center to see if they keep the adapter on hand. Read the details about balancing lug centric trailer wheels here.
5. What air pressure should I run in my Trailer Tires?
All trailer tires have a maximum capacity stamped on the sidewall of the tire. These capacities are computed at a specific air pressure. For example, our 175/80D13 LRC trailer tire is rated to 1,360#'s at 50psi. So if you lower the air pressure in your tire, the load capacity of that tire goes down with it. Trailer tire manufacturers always recommend running the max air pressure that is specified on the side wall (measured when the tires are cold).
6. Are these tires rated for highway use?
All of LoadStar's trailer tires have past DOT's testing and are rated for highway/interstate speeds. Of course, the faster a tire spins the more heat it builds up and therefore more tread wear occurs. So we certainly recommend keeping within all local speed limits and regulations.
7. What caused my old set of tires to wear irregularly?
8. How do I measure my bolt pattern?